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Drawing Over the Background Color

1Click [New Raster Layer] on the [Layer] palette to create a raster layer.

Change the layer name of the created layer to "Frame 3: Overpaint".

2Turn on [Clip at Layer Below] on the [Layer] palette.


3Click [New Raster Layer] on the [Layer] palette to create a raster layer.

Change the layer name of the created layer to "Frame 3: Overpaint".

4Change the [Blending mode] of the "Frame 2: Overpaint" layer to [Multiply]. Turn on [Clip at Layer Below].


5Use the [Soft] sub tool of the [Airbrush] tool to draw a pink gradient on the "Frame 2: Over­paint" layer.

Set the [Brush Size] to around "1200".


6Select the [Watercolor] tool from the [Tool] palette and select [Smooth watercolor] on the [Sub tool] palette. Draw over the [Frame 3: Overpaint] layer in pale purple and white.

Set the [Brush Size] to 200-300.


7Click [New Layer Folder] on the [Layer] palette. Change the name of the created folder to "Background".

8Drag and drop the layers containing the background for Frames 2 and 3 into the "Back­ground" folder and click the "▼" mark to close the folder.


9Click [Show/hide layer] for the [Paper] layer to hide the [Paper] layer.


10The background of Frames 2 and 3 is now complete.




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