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Allows you to configure a shape for a figure when creating a selection using a figure, or drawing a figure.


Some settings may not display depending on the selected tool or sub tool.

(1)   Figure

Specifies the shape of the figure to create. Selects from [Rectangle], [Ellipse] and [Polygon].

(2)   Number of corners

Specifies the number of vertexes of the polygon when [Polygon] is selected for [Figure].

(3)   Roundness of corner

When turned on, the corners of the figure are rounded off. A slider allows you to configure the roundness. The larger the value, the more rounded will be the corner. You can select how to configure the roundness of the corner from [How to specify].

(4)   How to specify

Configure the method for specifying the roundness of the corner.

Specified ratio

Specifies the area to round off as a ratio (%) of the side of the figure.

Specify length

Specifies the area to round off as a distance from the vertex.

(5)   Line/Fill

Select whether to draw the figure using only lines or paint.

Create fill

Fills the created closed figure with the drawing color. No outline is drawn for the figure.

Create line

Draws the figure using only lines.

Create both line and fill

Draws the outline of the figure and fills the closed area. The drawing colors for the outline and the closed area can be specified by [Line color] and [Fill color].


[Line/Fill] is not available for [Vector layer].

(6)   Line color

Specifies the color for the lines of the figure.

Main color

Configures the main drawing color as line color.

Sub color

Configures the sub drawing color as line color.

User color

Configures the color specified by the user as line color.

Selecting a color with a color palette, eyedropper and the like, and clicking the icon allows you to configure the color. The configured color is not affected by changes in the main drawing color and sub drawing color, even when changed before the line is drawn.

Select user color

The [Color settings] dialog box is displayed, where you can select the line color. This item does not display as icon.

(7)   Fill color

Specifies the color for filling the figure.

Main color

The fill color is the main drawing color.

Sub color

The fill color is the sub drawing color.

User color

The fill color is that specified by the user.

Selecting a color with a color palette, eyedropper and the like, and clicking the icon allows you to configure the color. The configured color is not affected by changes in the main drawing color and sub drawing color, even when changed before the line is drawn.

Select user color

The [Color settings] dialog box is displayed, where you can select the fill color. This item does not display as icon.

(8)   Aspect type

When turned on, allows you to specify the aspect ratio for the figure. You can select how to configure the aspect ratio from the following options.

Specified ratio

The aspect ratio is fixed.

Specify length

The figure is created using the sizes configured in [Width] and [Height].

(9)   Width

Configures the figure width when [Aspect type] is turned on.

(10)   Height

Configures the figure height when [Aspect type] is turned on.



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