Export EPUB data
Works created in Clip Studio Paint can be exported as EPUB data.
If [Export EPUB data] is performed twice or more for the same work, the first data will be overwritten with the second data. Also, if files unrelated to the exported data have been added to the export destination folder, these files may be deleted. |
The command is not available when [Webtoon] is selected from [New] > [Use of work]. Please select [Story] > [View] > [Page-by-page], and set [Binding point] and [Start page] before running the function. |
1Select the [File] menu > [Export multiple pages] > [Export EPUB data].
2In the [Export EPUB data] dialog box, enter information such as [Title] and [Author] and click [OK].

3A message will appear when the export is complete.

·When using Windows/macOS, select [Check exported data] to launch CLIP STUDIO and check the exported data.
·When using an iPad or iPhone, the Files app is displayed after the confirm message is displayed. Select the save folder, then tap [Save]. Open the selected folder to check the exported data.
·When using an Android or Chromebook, follow the on-screen instructions after completing the settings in the [Export fanzine printing data] dialog box. In the [File operation/Share] dialog box, check that the correct data is being exported. To open the exported data, go to the [File operation/Share] dialog box, select [Export], and export the data to the device. For details, see "Exporting files saved in Clip Studio Paint to storage".
·When using a Windows/macOS device, you can view the folder containing the saved data from the [File] menu > [Export multiple pages] > [Open exporting destination of EPUB data]. ·When using Windows/macOS, you can check the exported data in Clip Studio. For details, see the Help section in Clip Studio. ·If the exported data needs to be adjusted, select the [File] menu > [Export multiple pages] > [Export EPUB data], configure settings such as the size and quality of the images to be exported and export the data again. For details, see "Export settings for EPUB data". |
[Export EPUB data] Dialog Box
Set information to be registered as metadata for the EPUB data.

(1) Title
Enter the e-book title to be registered as metadata for the EPUB data. This is a required item.
(2) Title (sort key)
Enter the sort key (reading of kanji characters) to be used when sorting e-books in title order.
(3) Author
Enter the e-book author to be registered as metadata for the EPUB data.
(4) Author (sort key)
Enter the sort key (reading of kanji characters) to be used when sorting e-books in author order.
(5) Advanced Settings
Opens the [EPUB advanced settings] dialog box. Here you can edit detailed information such as [Publisher] and [Date modified]. For details, see "[EPUB advanced settings] Dialog Box".
[EPUB advanced settings] Dialog Box
Configure settings for the EPUB data, such as items to be registered as metadata and whether a back cover page is included.
If no changes need to be made in the [EPUB advanced settings] dialog box, use the displayed settings as they are. |

(1) Publisher
Enter the publisher to be registered as metadata for the EPUB data.
(2) Publishing company (sort key)
When using Japanese kanji characters, you can enter the pronunciation in full-width katakana characters for sorting by publisher name.
(3) Date modified
Enter the date of update (creation date) of the book to be registered as metadata for the EPUB data. The date of exporting the EPUB data will be pre-entered.
(4) Value of identifier
Displays the book ID to be registered as metadata for the EPUB data.
(5) Export back cover page
Turn this on to export the back cover page when exporting a work with a cover page and back cover page.
(6) Insert a blank page so the last pages will be a two-page spread.
If the last page is a single page, turn this on to insert a blank page to display as a two-page spread.
(7) Export for Kindle format
Turn this on to optimize EPUB data when exporting in Kindle format.