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Brush Size Palette Menu

The following describes the functions included in the menu that is displayed when you click [Show Menu] on the upper left corner of the [Brush size] palette.


Some menu items can be run from the context menu that displays when you right click the mouse.

Show slider

When turned on, displays a slider for the tool size, which allows you to change the size of pens and brushes by moving it or by inputting a value.

Add current size to preset

Registers the current tool size in the [Brush size] palette.

Delete preset of current size

Unregisters the current tool size from the [Brush size] palette.

Hide brush size palette

Hides the [Brush size] palette.


To show the Brush Size palette again, select the palette from the [Window] menu > [Brush Size]. If you are using a Smartphone, tap the icon on the palette bar.


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