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Regarding Management File and Page Files

EX allows you to store a management file and multiple image files in Clip Studio format (extension: .clip) in an OS folder and manage them as a multi-page work.


·When creating a story with multiple pages, do not directly replace page management files (extension: cmc) or page files (extension: clip) in the folder from Explorer or the Finder in your OS. The files may become cor­rupted and not open correctly. Replace pages from the [Story] menu > [Import Page]/[Replace page]. For details, see "Import Page"/"Replace page".

·If working in a group of multiple users, use the group work function. For details, see "Group work [Windows/macOS]".

·Clip Studio Paint format files created in Ver.1.4.4 or earlier (extension: lip) can be saved in Ver.1.5.0 and later without changing the extension. However, it will no longer be possible to open the file in Clip Studio Paint Ver.1.4.4 or earlier.

(1)  Management folder

The OS folder where the management file and multiple image files in Clip Studio format (extension: clip) are stored.

(2)  Management file (extension: cmc)

A file to manage multiple image files in Clip Studio format (extension: clip).

The file takes the name of the [Management folder].

(3)  Page file (extension: clip)

The image file in Clip Studio format (extension: clip) of each page. A Clip Studio Paint format file will be stored for each created page.



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