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Operations using touch gestures

This section describes useful functions regarding touch gestures.


Operating the canvas with touch gestures

In the Smartphone version, the following operations can be performed on the canvas with touch gestures.


Several touch gestures may be disabled upon initial activation. To enable touch gesture control, set [Touch ges­ture] in the [Preferences] dialog. For details on the [Preferences] dialog box, see "Touch gesture".



Two finger tapping undoes the last operation.



Three finger tapping redoes an undone operation.


Scrolling Across the Canvas

Swiping up and down, left and right on the canvas will scroll the canvas.


Rotating the Canvas

Rotating on the canvas rotates the canvas.


Scaling the canvas

Pinching in on the canvas zooms out the canvas view.

Pinching out on the canvas zooms in the canvas view.


Manipulating palettes and tools with touch gestures

The following operations can be done with touch gestures on the palette.


Quick Access Palette

The following touch gestures can be used in the [Quick Access] palette.

Scroll palette

The [Quick Access] palette can be scrolled by swiping in the [Quick Access] palette.

By changing [Change Order] to [Command + Drag] in the Quick access palette, the same operation can be done with a pen.

Right click operation

Right click operations can be used by long pressing anywhere on the [Quick Access] palette with a finger.

By changing [Change Order] to [Command + Drag] in the Quick access palette, the same operation can be done with a pen.


Tool Palette

The following touch gestures can be used on the [Tool] palette.

Change tool position

Swiping the tool icon vertically/horizontally, switches the position of the icon.

Right click operation

Press and hold your finger in the [Tool] palette to perform the same operation as right-clicking.


Sub tool palette

The following touch gestures can be used on the [Tool] palette.

Change button position

Swipe up and down or left and right on the sub tool buttons to swap their positions.

Scroll palette

The [Sub Tool] palette can be scrolled by swiping in the [Quick Access] palette.

By changing [Change Order] to [Command + Drag] in the Quick access palette, the same operation can be done with a pen.

Right click operation

Right click operations can be used by long pressing anywhere on the [Sub Tool] palette with a finger.

By changing [Change Order] to [Command + Drag] in the Quick access palette, the same operation can be done with a pen.


Tool property Palette

The following touch gestures can be used in the [Tool Property] palette.

Scroll palette

Swipe the [Tool Property] palette with your finger to scroll through it. The same applies when swiping with a pen.


Sub tool detail palette

The following touch gestures can be used in the [Sub Tool Detail] palette.

Switching the brush tip shape order

Vertically swiping the list of [Brush tip shape] switches the items on the list.

Scroll palette

Swipe the [Sub Tool Detail] palette with your finger to scroll through it. The same applies when swiping with a pen.


Color Set Palette

The following touch gestures can be used on the [Color Set] palette.

Scroll palette

The [Color Set] palette can be scrolled by swiping in the [Color Set] palette.

By changing [Change Order] to [Command + Drag] in the Quick access palette, the same operation can be done with a pen.

Right click operation

Right click operations can be used by long pressing anywhere on the [Color Set] palette with a finger.

By changing [Change Order] to [Command + Drag] in the Quick access palette, the same operation can be done with a pen.


Layer Palette

The following touch gestures can be used on the [Layer] palette.

Scroll palette

The [Layer] palette can be scrolled by swiping in the [Layer] palette.

Right click operation

Right click operations can be used by long pressing anywhere on the [Layer] palette with a finger.


Layer search palette

The following touch gestures can be used in the [Search Layer] palette.

Scroll palette

The [Search Layer] palette can be scrolled by swiping in the [Search Layer] palette.

Right click operation

Right click operations can be used by long pressing anywhere on the [Search Layer] palette with a finger.


Animation cels palette

The following touch gestures can be used on the [Animation cels] palette.

Scroll palette

The [Animation cels] palette can be scrolled by swiping in the [Animation cels] palette.

Right click operation

Right click operations can be used by long pressing anywhere on the [Animation cels] palette with a finger.


Timeline palette

The following touch gestures can be used on the [Timeline] palette.

Button display

If the buttons on the [Timeline] palette are not displayed on the screen, swipe on the buttons left or right to scroll through them.

Scale timeline

Pinching in the [Timeline] palette will scale down the timeline display.

Pinching out the [Timeline] palette will Scale up the timeline display.

Scroll timeline

Swiping horizontally and vertically will scroll the timeline.

When the [Timeline Edit] tool is selected, swipe up, down, left and right with two fingers to scroll through the timeline.

Move timeline cells and clips

Select a cell or clip when the [Timeline Edit] tool is selected and swipe to move it.

Swipe with one finger when selecting the [Timeline Edit] tool to perform the same operation as with a mouse.

Scroll through tracks and thumbnails

Swiping the [Timeline] palette's track or thumbnail will scroll the track or thumbnail.

Right click operation

Right click operations can be used by long pressing anywhere on the [Timeline] palette's track or thumbnail with a finger.

Right click operations can be used by long pressing anywhere on the [Timeline] palette's timeline with a finger.


Navigator Palette

By using touch gestures on the [Navigator] palette, the canvas display can be changed.

Scrolling Across the Canvas

Swiping the [Navigator] palette vertically/horizontally with two fingers on the canvas will scroll the canvas.

Rotating the Canvas

Rotating the [Navigator] palette's image preview will rotate the canvas.

Scaling the canvas

Pinching in the [Navigator] palette's image preview will scale down the canvas display.

Pinching out the [Navigator] palette's image preview will scale up the canvas display.

Reset display

Three finger tapping the [Navigator] palette's image preview resets the rotation of the canvas and fits the canvas to the screen.


Sub view palette

The following touch gestures can be used on the [Sub View] palette.

Scrolling images

Swiping vertically/horizontally on an image in the [Sub View] palette with two fingers will scroll the image.

Rotating the Canvas

Rotating an image shown on the [Sub View] palette will rotate the canvas.

Scaling the canvas

Pinching in/out an image shown on the [Sub View] palette, zooms out/in the display.


Material Palettes

The following touch gestures can be used on the [Material] palette.

Scroll Material view

Materials can be scrolled by swiping in the [material] palette's materials.



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