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Creating Color Divisions in the Ground Color

Add light and dark areas, paying attention to the shadow areas and giving the parts depth. Add a slightly different hue to areas with solid color to give these areas depth.

1Select the [Refer other layers] sub tool of the [Fill] tool and fill in the larger areas of the wing pattern in various colors. Use mainly blue.


2Draw the fine areas using sub tools such as the [Opaque watercolor] sub tool of the [Brush] tool.

Touch up these areas so that the shadow areas and the center of each part are darker.


Create a gradient with slightly differing colors, fading to a light blue at the tips of the wings.


3When you have finished filling the ground colors of the wing pattern, show the hidden "Highlight" layer on the [Layer] palette.



In this example, the highlight is drawn first. If adding texture as shown on the next page, you can create effective highlights by drawing and adjusting the highlights according to the texture.



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