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Line space/alignment

Allows you to configure alignment, spacing and the like when using the [Text] sub tool, or when the [Text layer] is selected with the [Object] sub tool.


Some settings may not display depending on the selected tool or sub tool.

(1)   Justify

Configures the position for aligning the text lines.

Top align/Left align

Top align applies to vertical text while left align applies to horizontal text.

Center align

Centers each line.

Bottom align/Right align

Bottom align applies to vertical text while right align applies to horizontal text.

(2)   Line space

Adjusts the space between lines. The line space for each line can be set when the line is selected using the [Text] sub tool.

(3)   How to specify

Configures the method for specifying the line space.

Specify length

Specify the space between lines as length (in points or Q).

By percentage

Specify the space between lines as a ratio (%) of the letter size.


The unit of [Specify length] for [Line space] can be toggled between points (pt) and Q. It is configured by [Text unit] under [Ruler/Unit] → [Unit] on the [Preferences] dialog box that displays when [File] menu ([CLIP STUDIO PAINT] menu in mac OS version) → [Preferences] is selected.



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