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Manga Perspective

Allows you to configure a manga-like perspective with the depth emphasized when editing a 3D character or 3D drawing figure.

*The "Manga perspective" function has been developed based on technologies devised from "Research and Development of Ultra-realistic Communication Technologies with Evolutionary 3D Imaging Technologies", a consigned research by the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), an independent organization, in cooperation with Naemura Laboratory at Tokyo University and HITACHI.

(1)   Manga perspective

Allows you to configure a manga-like perspective with the depth emphasized for a 3D character material or 3D drawing figure. Unlike [Perspective] of the [Camera] category, you can emphasize the expression of the depth without changing the impression of the pose.


When this item is turned on, you can adjust the strength of the effect of manga-perspectives by slider. The larger the value, the stronger will be the effect.

(2)   Collision correction

Turning this on corrects the collision of parts so that they do not overlap when [Manga Perspective] is turned on.




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