Show log
Select this to display the [Log] dialog box and check the log for [Reflect change on group work data] (change history).
[Log] Dialog Box

(1) Displayed content
Select the content for which to display a log.
Show all log |
Displays the logs of the page management file and all logs. |
Show log of selected page |
Displays the log of the page selected in the [Page Manager] window. |
Show log of page management file |
Displays the log of the page management file. |
(2) Log
A list of group work data logs. The content to be displayed can be refined in [Displayed content].
The date on which the group work data was uploaded, serial number, name of the member in charge and comments are displayed here. Select a log to display details in [Comment] and [Change file].
A serial number is not displayed if the group work data is set as [Do not rewrite over group work data]. The settings of the group work data can be checked in [Show settings]. For details, see "View settings". |
(3) Comment
Displays comments added to the selected log. This is not displayed if a log with no comments is selected.
Comments are added when performing [Reflect change on group work data]. For details, see "Reflect change on group work data". |
(4) Change File
Displays the number of changed pages in the selected log. A basic history of changes such as [Updated] and [Added] is also displayed.
Below is a breakdown of changes.
Add |
Displayed when a page is added. |
Update |
Displayed when a page is updated. |
Deleted |
Displayed when a page is deleted. |
Submit |
Displayed when a user performs [Reflect change on group work data] if [Do not rewrite over group work data] is turned on for the group work data. This creates a duplicate file without overwriting the group work data. |
Reject |
Displayed for group data set to [Do not rewrite over group work data] if a work file edited by a user is deleted when the administrator performs [Resolve confliction]. |