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Open conflicting file

Opens the conflicting file saved in your work folder.


If multiple users edit the same page at the same time and both users attempt to reflect their changes in the group work data or update their work folder, a confliction occurs in the page. A "!" icon will appear next to con­flicting files in the [Page Manager] window.

When a conflict occurs, edits by the other user are saved in your work folder as a new, independent file. This file is called a "Conflicting file".

1Select the conflicting page from the [Page Manager] window.


2Select the [Story] menu > [Group work] > [Open conflicting file].

3The conflicting file saved in your work data opens.


If the group work data is set to [Do not rewrite over group work data], the [Open conflicting file (for Administrator)] dialog box is displayed for the administrator. In [File to open], select the file to be opened and click [OK].

For details, see "[Open conflicting file (for Administrator)] dialog box".

[Open conflicting file (for Administrator)] dialog box
(1)  Show only the latest one

When turned on, this displays only the last file for which a user performed [Reflect change on group work data].


If a user performs [Reflect change on group work data], a new file is created in the group work data. If multiple users perform [Reflect change on group work data] for the same page, a new file is created each time this opera­tion is performed.

(2)  File to open

Displays a list of files created when users have performed [Reflect change on group work data]. Select the file to open.



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