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Differences in Functionality between EX and PRO

With Clip Studio Paint EX, you can use the functions below in addition to all of the functions available in Clip Studio Paint PRO.


For details on Clip Studio Paint EX, see “Clip”




·Allows you to configure the number of pages, story information, binding point and start page for a manga or comic file.

·You can set story information when [Animation] is selected from [Use of work].


Allows you to import ComicStudio book files (extension: cst) and CLIP STUDIO name files (extension: csnf).

·"Export (Single Layer)"

[Output range] can be configured in the [Export] dialog box.

·"Export multiple pages [EX]"

·Works created in Clip Studio Paint can be exported in Kindle format. Exported files from Clip Studio can be published for Kindle.

·This allows you to export works from Clip Studio Paint as EPUB data. Saved files can be published as e-books. You can optimize data for kindle when exporting EPUB data.

·Works created as a fanzine can be output to a printing vendor for printing. The 3D Preview for Binding can also be used to check what the created work will look like when bound.

·[Output range] can be configured in the [Export] dialog box.

·"Export animation">"Export animation cels [EX]"

Allows you to export individual cels in general image format.

·"Export animation">"Exposure sheet [EX]"

You can export exposure sheets in CSV format or digital exposure sheet information format (extension: xdts).

·"Export animation">"OpenToonz Scene File [Windows/macOS] [EX]"

Cels and timelines created in Clip Studio Paint can be exported for OpenToonz.

·"Import">"Batch import [EX]"

Allows you to specify multiple image files and import them to each page file as a layer.

·"Import">"Continuous Scan [Windows/macOS] [EX]"

Allows you to use a commercial scanner to scan images continuously and import them to each page file as layers.

·"Import">"Exposure sheet [EX]"

You can import digital exposure sheet information format files (extension: xdts) to Clip Studio Paint.

·"Batch process [EX]"

Allows you to run menu commands/auto actions for a specified page file in one go.

·"Print Settings [Windows/macOS]"

·Supports dual page printing and two-page spread printing.

·[Output range] can be configured in the [Print Settings] dialog box.

·"Print [Windows/macOS]"

Supports multi-page printing.

·"Preferences [Windows]">"Edit text [EX]"

You can configure settings relating to the story editor in the [Preferences] dialog.

·"Remove tone (Technology preview) [EX]"

The tones of the selected layer can be removed or converted to grayscale.

·"Story Menu [EX]"

The [Story] menu allows you to manage comic or manga files made of multiple pages. You can manage how to display a page file, add pages, manage the manga or comic story information, and so on. You can also display the [Page Management] window.

For how to operate the [Page Management] window, also see "Explanation: Page Management [EX]".

·"Timeline">"Change frame rate"

When changing the frame rate (number of frames per second) from the frame rate that was set up when creating the canvas, you can change the total number of frames without changing the playback time of the animation.

·"Timeline">"Apply Toei Animation Digital Exposure Sheet information to current exposure sheet [EX] [Windows/iPad]"

You can open the Toei Animation Digital Exposure Sheet and use the vertical exposure sheet to edit the contents of the [Timeline] palette. In the Toei Animation Digital Exposure Sheet, you can edit the total number of frames, the timing of cels being displayed, and the camera instructions.

·"Timeline">"Load changes to Toei Animation Digital Exposure Sheet [EX] [Windows]"

Changes made to the Toei Animation Digital Exposure Sheet can be loaded into Clip Studio Paint.

·"LT conversion of layer [EX]"

Allows you to separate color images and 3D layers into outlines (line drawings) and tones and convert each of them into different layers. It allows you to obtain manga-like expressions with tone gradient.


Layer Property Palette

·"Extract line [EX]"

Allows you to extract outlines from a selected layer. Furthermore, clicking [Execution of LT conversion of layer] allows you to separate a selected layer into outlines (line drawings) and tones and convert each of them into different layers while keeping [Extract line] settings.


Timeline palette

·"Functions of Timeline Palette"

You can set a value before 0 for [Start frame]. You can also set a value after 24 for [End frame].


All Sides View Palette

·"All Sides View Palette [EX]"

You can now use the [All Sides View] palette when editing a 3D layer. When a 3D layer is selected, it is possible to view a 3D material from four directions at the same time. When placing a 3D material, it is possible to adjust the position of the camera and focal point, as well as the position the of the 3D material.




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